
Welcome to Savvy Shopping Sisters! We are three sisters from the frozen tundra of Northern Minnesota. Collectively, we have seven children between the three of us and each of us and our families have a diverse background and interests. Some of us love to camp and canoe, be on the lake, to hunt and horseback ride, raise chickens and farm-fresh eggs, cook and bake, shop, travel, watch/play sports, and do anything with our spouses & kiddos. Because of our diverse interests, we have to be on the scout for the best deal for our own purchases.
This is a site to share our love of finding amazing deals. We will post daily deals, coupons, amazing finds, great gift ideas… and some items that you didn’t know that you couldn’t live without.
We will always be transparent about ‘how great of a deal something truly is.’ For example, if we post a KitchenAid Mixer, we’ll let you know if this is the lowest that we have seen it, or if it has been on sale cheaper in our recent memory. Let us take the hard work out of it for you. Research made easy…. shopping made fun.
In the interest of full transparency, please note that we are an affiliate of several stores. We are not paid to endorse any brands or products that we suggest or post.
We do receive a small commission on the sales of some of the items we suggest if you shop through our link. We hope that our little side-gig/hobby helps you save time and money finding products.
All opinions are our own and are in no way affiliated with any of the stores. Prices are accurate at the time of posting, but can change depending on the site. If you scored a deal or already own a product, post a comment and let others know… this community should serve everyone to help make good financial/consumer decisions… everyone loves a personal review!
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